Peace and love to you visitor, and welcome to my blog. My name is Mumin, I have become The Child of Prophecy. I am also a Cosmic Oracle. I am a 37-year-old lightworker, master of chi, yoga, reiki, and kundalini. After I experienced a series of inner awakening, writing has become a fun creative outlet.
Since I am now living my life purpose blogging and writing books is my passion. It took me a very long time to put my ideas together. I made many mistakes to get this far with my project.
In 2011 I was somehow moved to go on a spiritual journey; I had this need to find myself. I started doing chakra healing and meditation, and I also practiced Buddhism, Hinduism and Egyptian mysteries. I finally realized that I wanted to be awakened, experiencing being conscious again. I continued on my inner journey because I wanted to experience spiritual enlightenment. I wanted to see if there was a way to free myself from myself.
I found myself studying eastern philosophy and later began practicing yoga and Tia chi. Back then I did not know where my intuition was placing me. I questioned spirit many times because I at times experienced feeling lost and confused. I began to see that God within wanted me to improve myself, not change who I was. My chakras showed me that everything that I was experiencing was based on what I believed about myself, and how I felt about myself.
I needed to let go of grandiose so that I could change my perception of myself.
I needed to experience higher dimensions of myself and a higher vibration of love. I began to experience compassion and unconditional love, something I never thought that I could accomplish.
The big picture in my life was finding inner peace. I had a need to feel fulfilled because external things were not making me happy. I had to work on healing from my emotional wounds so that I could clear my conscience. This allowed me to see clearly past my shadows and mental clutter. I hope that my writing will help you feel better and have more optimism in your life.
My passion is helping others become self aware, and to let go of the past so that we can enjoy the present moment. I hope you enjoy my post and remember Peace Comes in Pieces.