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  • Writer's pictureMumin The Oracle

Why 10% of The Brain?

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Scientists say that the average human only uses 10 percent of their brain. Well, the oppressors the hidden rulers need humanity to be as unevolved as possible, the system is designed this way, they cannot afford to have too many geniuses. That is the other 90 percent, the subconscious mind. When the conscious mind the 10% merges with the subconscious mind, one becomes conscious, the heart and mind are now united.

Remember the movie Baby Genius? we are all geniuses at an early childhood, this is what Harry Potter is about, school with full brain stimulation and functions, our magical free mind to create and produce instead of being busy and distracted working for a paycheck, the norm eat and sleeping better than the next man, status.

The subconscious mind is actually the hidden yet remaining 90 percent of you, where you true power lies, because many are only stuck in the left brain it gets in the way, being too logical. Man-made education was made to slow evolution down. We were taught in a certain manner that mainly focused on the left part of the brain. As children we were using the right and left brain, heart and mind as one.

Then the educational system had us ready for programming, learning to read and write from left to right separated the brain, into a plane mundane human, fitting in. The type of mental training that the CIA get stimulates the right brain. They dumb you down and make you think getting A's mean something, as if you are evolving, no that is just preparing you to get a paycheck. If schools had more geniuses many would have dropped out, ruining the fallacy of public school's secret agenda. They ask you, what do you want to be when you grow up, ready to be prepared to work in the world of illusion. Have you noticed that we were taught to write from the left side to the right side of the paper? Sure we had art and a few creative activities, but not enough to boost our potential. The right side of the brain is for creativity and imagination, making it easier to connect to spiritual awareness. In the movie The Matrix, the children were already free, they were working from the right brain to the left, this is why they could bend their mind easier than the programmed adults, this is using the subconscious mind, to bend your reality, turning water in wine, whatever is real in your mind is your experience.

The harry potter movie is an exaggeration of how a full school experience would, we study math the logical part, then we study the spiritual, the metaphysical math like numerology. The same goes with studying astronomy, the physical study of stars, then astrology, the spiritual metaphysical part of the stars.

While studying chemistry, the physical aspect of chemical reaction, we also study alchemy the spiritual metaphysical aspect of chemistry. Learning this way will stimulate the right and left brain, a mathematical or scientist genius can easily be born. The educational system is fixed to keep the vibes low as possible. Look how Bruce Lee moved by using the left brain, mind body potencial.

The world of religion would not agree. But I see why the oppressors took the spiritual and metaphysical data out of schools, this is why there where so many inventors 100s of years ago, they were using left and right brain, but new age, the modern society are way behind.

The left brain is masculine, which is active energy pushing outwards, this is why many are ego-driven. This is how the system keeps society in a masculine-driven world. Many spend their time chasing a paycheck, trying to make it big, to win the game of life, keeping many as go-getters. This keeps society distracted and busy taking away the time to use the right brain which is feminine.

The right brain is feminine, which is passive looking inward, this gives us holistic thought connecting to our spiritual nature. When we ask ourselves who am I, who do I want to become, or what is my purpose, we have to look inwards for answers. The right brain links us to our subconscious, this way we get insight and some kind of understanding of ourselves, and what is causing the reality that we are experiencing.

Society can be in a competitive rush causing division, approval, recognition, and greed, the right brain also deals with compassion so that we work together. The system is designed to create a world without feelings. The right brain deals with visualization, if you can not see past what you are currently experiencing, then it is hard to create the world that you want, conforming to normal programming. The right brain is also about perception, this is cut down because perception is the highest sense. When our perception improves, we can see past many things to experience a greater understanding.

The brain tells the body what to do, when you eat where the nutrients go, rational thinking, and survival instincts so that we keep living. These are basic functions, eat sleep and Following Orders. Like Age of Ultron, humanity refuses to evolve. Many are focused on a paycheck as a destination or goal, but that is to working for someone, and eat and sleep better than someone else. When a person starts to think about creating their world, this is when we start to go past the brain and focus on the mind, we are not the mind. This is why some reach certain goals in life, they had to be open to something greater, open-minded. The average person does not always use 10 percent of their brain, when you have a hunch, an idea or felt bad vibes, that experience is beyond your brain. We can read and become smart, yet wisdom and intelligence is beyond the brain. To build intelligence we must nurture our spirit too. Meditation, yoga or chi exercises can help. When we are told that we use only 10 percent of our brains, this created a whole lot of people who may have lowered their perception of self-worth, self-esteem, and self-value. Then we later praise celebrities. This has many invest so much time in schools and colleges. I'm not saying public schools and colleges are a waste of time, you may need more education for whatever it is. What I am saying is public education may not always be enough for right brain stimulation. When you hear think outside of the box, that is think and try to move beyond the programming of your own brain, if you want to see the greatest version of yourself, open and free your infinite vast mind. We need to use the power of our imagination to see beyond the left brain, the logical mind..

It may sound impossible to believe because of what we are told, but the sun gives off enough solar energy to remove electric bills. Water, coal and oils are not the only source of energy, the Sun is powering everything even the coal. If you ask yourself right now, who am I? The brain will convince you that you are the five senses, this person that is always thinking and nothing more. But when you begin to look deeper inside, you went past your brain, you accessed the entire mind. When we meditate or perform yoga, we are temporarily ignoring the brain and the random thoughts by focusing on the breath, this way you temporarily step out of space and time. The thing about the subconscious mind is that it runs whatever you taught it, the con is we limit ourselves, so our reality keeps looking the same. You may be in a reality that everything is expensive, viruses, people are mean, and life is a hurdle. The benefit of the subconscious mind is, you get to reprogram yourself because the subconscious mind knows All things. You may often find yourself in a bullying situation, and you may ask why am I always attracting bullies. The answer is in the subconscious mind. Maybe he had a bad experience, and this shame or guilt makes him feel bad deep down inside, yet he smiles and looks like the happiest person, consciously. He, in the subconscious feels ugly or unworthy, so he keeps having the same problems in his life because he is ignoring his FEELINGS. You are what you are currently experiencing in your life right now, your self-beliefs. So how you truly FEEL about yourself is a direct connection to your subconscious mind, Feed it Positive thoughts about yourself, and then take ACTION. Your thoughts and body will align with your mind. You will automatically start moving from a higher place. Use your brain, of course, to read, study, experiment, creativity, and especially your imagination. Your mind is also your body, whatever your mind is focusing on your body follows, pulling in new people, places, things, ideas and opportunities. We can spend many years attaining knowledge, feeding the brain. Nothing is wrong with that as long as you use it, that's being smart. When we start going beyond just being smart, we experience some kind of intelligence. The right brain and left brain meshing together, your imagination and creativity shows you infinite possibilities. Paying attention to our life experiences to reflect, become self-aware, this way we learn and grow which later brings us wisdom, which no book or brain can give you.

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