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A Masculine Driven World

Writer's picture: Mumin The OracleMumin The Oracle

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Masculine Driven world

The world of illusion is filled with many things and moved by unevolved men who create man's laws to regulate human beings to abide, agree, and conform through conditioning. The society which is the majority has made a collective agreement to abide by and serve the oppressor's system that they were born into, and wait for their government to give them instructions.

This is why nothing in the world of illusion changes, many vote for a new president thinking that votes are a real thing. Voting is inside, a big part of the world of illusion. Agreeance to the outdated system such as electric bills just keeps it going as if it is normal and a must. But that is just the collective minds which is the battery, constantly agreeing to make it continue, the unaware can be mindless, paying no attention to how the world around them operates.

The world and the planet earth are not the same things. Worlds for people to live in are all man made, using rules and laws to have control to keep humans regulated. There is no hustle to survive, that is a learnt behavior that many will live out until they become aware.

The oppressors want their world to be a man's world, a world for society to live in, this is why people have slowly become masculine-driven, and overly competitive. This is why there is so much envy and jealousy in the world. Masculine energy is positive and active, it is active mental energy. The system was designed to keep as many people as possible busy working, but this is not being creative and productive, having money work for you is having a wealthy mindset.

The school system was designed to keep society in the left brain, the 10 percent of the brain, the ego conscious mind, following orders. This is why we were taught to read and write from left to right.

The left brain is masculine, which is active energy pushing outwards, this is why many are ego-driven. This is how the system keeps society in a masculine-driven world. Many spend their time chasing a paycheck, trying to make it big, to win the game of life, keeping many as go-getters. This keeps society distracted and busy taking away the time to use the right brain which is feminine.

The right brain is feminine, which is passive looking inward, this gives us holistic thought connecting to our spiritual nature. When we ask ourselves who am I, who do I want to become, or what is my purpose, we have to look inwards for answers. The right brain links us to our subconscious, this way we get insight and some kind of understanding of ourselves, and what is causing the reality that we are experiencing. The right brain is where creativity and imagination is located.

Society can be in a competitive rush causing division, approval, recognition, and greed, the right brain also deals with compassion so that we work together. The system is designed to create a world without feelings. The right brain deals with visualization, if you can not see past what you are currently experiencing, then it is hard to create the world that you want, conforming to normal programming. The right brain is also about perception, this is cut down because perception is the highest sense. When our perception improves, we can see past many things to experience a greater understanding.

As long as humans are constantly working for money to survive, no one has time to unplug their mind from the world of illusion to use their own creativity and imagination to create their own world then reality. Too many would stop relying on the system and the government if more had time to use their right brain, creativity, and imagination. The left brain which is the conscious mind, 10% of the brain, the active mind, stays busy being a slave, waiting to be saved by god or a president, and waiting for instructions from the government.

When we sit down for a moment to destress from the world, taking the time to reflect on our daily activities and behavior, this is a feminine action, to look inward. This way we can rethink and make necessary changes.

Because negative, passive, or feminine is not involved in a man's world, people are now off-balanced, this is why many in society feel overworked compared to their wage. Many are tired, exhausted, or fatigued. This is why many are trying to hard to appear successful or accomplished. This is why many do not feel in control of their own lives, the system makes it difficult to create a balanced life so that we feel well or healthy inside and out.

Many will be born into a system with no idea how the world works and why things are structured the way they are. On top of that madness, many will not be self-aware, not knowing themselves and who they are supposed to be. The world will simply program and condition them because they do not know themselves, and many are unaware of how the world around them works.

The oppressors make sure that the cost of living is high, and houses that are bank-owned take years to pay off. Rent and everything else goes up by design, so increasing the minimum wage is a hoax, wages go up to create the illusion that you are caught up. They know that the wages are supposed to go up to make sure everyone and every race thrives, the cost of living never has to increase, and the world is full of resources. It is an illusion to the unaware, this is why nothing changes until everyone in the United States truly unites. The system and government are supposed to support what society wants, not the other way around.

Increasing the minimum wage will never do anything because the money is constantly automatically being printed, and it is no longer being backed up by gold, so this causes inflation which the taxpayers have to suffer. This means that the US one dollar is worth 40 cents, it is an illusion. This is why older coins are worth more than the modern dollar and coins at auctions, a long time ago five cents used to buy a whole lot of groceries, it was made with real metal, look at the new coins, they add plastic, and the new pennies have less copper. The few pennies they made with real coper are worth so much.

So many are driven to work long and hard for money that has no value. This is why society has longer work hours, to compensate for the missing gold that they keep. Shorter work hours and less money will work if the money is back to the gold standard, now everyone can afford a nice car. But Not in the oppressor's New World Order.

College tuition and organic foods are also unrealistically expensive, the world is overflowing with natural organic foods but that is a secret. Solar power ends electric bills. The oppressors who never show themselves use the system, the government, the FDA, the news, and politics as their TOOLS to run your world, to keep many in line, and in order through rules, mandates, and man's laws. This is how human beings who are unaware are kept regulated. This is how they can keep everyone in Survival Mode.

This keeps society always having money and survival on their minds, this keeps society distracted by staying busy working. Many are feeling frantic, pressured, scared, worried, stressed, depressed, anxious, too ambitious, greedy, overly competitive, and money-hungry. Many who want to feel normal and accepted have to keep up an image, to fit in with others who are also sleeping within a society. A society is a bunch of people who are not self-aware, nor aware of how the world around them works, this is why the system and government can easily take advantage of the majority. The more people want to FIT IN the easier the system can program them, society is a man-made idea of what humans should look and behave like.

Many will just agree and conform to recreate a new normal like wearing a mask. This keeps the system on repeat, this is why nothing changes in the world of illusion. Gun violence, drug trade, and high cost of living. If many were satisfied with their lives less would support drugs and guns, and the operation would slow down. Society fuels all of the drugs, guns, and violence, like going to support the movie, John Wick, the oppressors will just keep responding. Many support politics, so politics will keep doing its job.

Keeping society busy, keeps the majority physically and mentally active, trying to appease the oppressor's man-made idea of what is real and what makes a person important. This is why many think financial achievement makes them all of a sudden a successful person, a highly evolved person, but no, this is just a bigger paycheck to eat and sleep better than the next man. You are not your job, position, or status, so are you? This is why many feel empty after material gain because money, materialism, and status for an image are not fulfilling. Money and material gain are very basic.

This is why many who want to fit into society will become materialistic and superficial, being conditioned and not even knowing it. This is why many have to go to church because they identify themselves as the mind and body, not the heart like younger children. Lust for the flesh is the after-effect of trying to get rich to feed the ego mind and body. When the mind is conditioned to be busy for a paycheck, all we can do is use financial gain to compensate for true self-esteem, self-worth, and unconditional love for ourselves. Because many people only like themselves and feel happy because they can show status to others who do not have it, others who are having a hard time dealing with the unnatural man-made world. But if no one cared, then riding around in a Benz would be boring. It is not real, just an illusion.

What the majority in a society does is show how much they were a good mental slave, to climb up the ladder to reach financial achievements. I am not talking about those who thought outside of the box and created their own world by being original, this is adding more resources to the world. The ones who skipped the educational system used their ideas and used their imagination, and creativity to create resources or inventions. They create their own world to experience their own reality. This is the wealthy person who followed their own path, being who they were meant to be by following their heart.

I did not finish school or college, but I knew that I had to stimulate my right brain so that I could use my left and right brain to outperform my old lazy self. Many in society are stuck in the left brain, living a normal life, and that is very okay. I wanted to find myself, discover what makes me unique, and break through all of my limitations. I challenged myself so that I could experience my own greatness. I went on a spiritual quest inward to find my hidden potential, so that I could later share it with the world, adding resources using my wisdom from experience.

I used to doubt myself because I did not finish school and also because I did not go to college. I kept pursuing self-improvement through yoga, meditation, metaphysics, astrology, alchemy, chi exercises, chakras, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, martial arts, and a lot of psychological self-reflecting. Self-investment improved me, not a paycheck. I wanted to mature mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically, not just get a bigger paycheck. I wanted to become my greatest version of myself.

There were multiple times when I was ready to give up, but I cared too much about healing the world. Diplomas and digress can not always define your inner being.

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