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  • Writer's pictureMumin The Oracle

The Pandemic Helped Me Clear My Conscience

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

This pandemic can help us realize how we truly feel inside, vs what we show the world. There was a time when I wanted to identify myself as smart, honest, kind, confident, calm, and collected, but all that acting was a false identity, a mask for the world around me. I never truly looked inwards at my reflection, My journey looking inwards did this, where are these thoughts coming from, who was this person thinking then affecting my feelings, I became emotional and then made a choice. Most of us have become so good at our many masks and personas. We have learned from outside coming inwards, programming ourselves on how we should be based on outside influences and man-made ideas. Many have spent so much time trying to live for the world, make sure we do it right or look as if we got it all together. This shows us that many are not yet self-aware.

Making sure that I go to work every day is simple, but it does have a powerful effect on my reality, this limiting drone life that feels so designed. Trying to fit into that program that claims that this is just the way it is, just mind your business and conform. This inherited belief kept me so busy trying to win the game of life. I totally forgot who I was, I got lost in the rat race. Trying to fit in into standards kept moving me away from my spiritual self, but what is the purpose of staying busy in my mind? Now that I have temporarily unplugged from the systems that were already laid out for me to follow since birth, be it religions, and politics, I now feel lost. It feels like I woke up from a dream, only because I thought that I was being my authentic self. After a couple of years, I finally got a chance to look at myself and the lifestyle that was produced from my old past beliefs. I have noticed that I don't like what I see in my life, then I started to wonder, do I really truly value and love all of myself? Being a worker drone to keep this system going made me overlook my everyday life. Spending more time with certain people, places and things are not as pleasant as I once thought. To be honest there are some people, places, things and habits that are no longer thrilling let alone healthy for me anymore. I started to see how annoying my wife was, and I couldn't stand my own children, this was because I was so busy trying to pay a bill, I did not have a chance to mature in my relationships. I started to notice that I do not like my type of work or career. Even some of my furniture had to go because I have been home, I have noticed that I do not like many things. Everything just looks different, my perception has been slowing changing since I paused with trying to keep up with the norm, living for an appearance had me later question my decisions. I have no choice now because of this lockdown, there aren't many distractions and no where to run, all I can face now is myself. For those who spend a lot of time smoking and drinking, this is the best time to look inwards for answers, to reflect on your lifestyle, not the news which keeps us distracted looking out there 24/7. For the moment I do not know who or what to believe, be it highly respected religious figures, governments, politics, even the scientists on the television. I just want to take off the television. This laid out system that we follow to feel safe and secure does have mental limitations, either win at The American Dream, settle with whatever we feel that we can achieve, or push past comfort zones to reach our own personal highest potential. I say this because waiting for a government, a system or anyone outside of me is problem, no one should be able to have the authority over my reality. I should be able to live well based on my authentic self, nature takes care of itself so I do my best to be as natural as I can be. We all have untapped potential, so it's now daunting to admit that my fate is in the government's hands, instead of my own creative energy to create my own life. Wealth is something that starts from within, so I need to get to know MYSELF better, but for guidance we must pay attention to how we feel INSIDE. I only write when I am inspired. My motivation arises from being around crowded places. As a powerful sensitive EMPATH I easily feel the Inner struggles of others around me. Mental slavery is self-induced, an illusion. I blame no one for my life's outcome. Whatever I want to know especially if I want to be spiritually free, things will come, the right people, places, things, books, information, tools and many sources. Circumstances and situations can start changing just because of an idea or positive thought.

We set limitations on what we can attract, and manifest. Creativity, joy, and imagination is our best tool.

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