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  • Writer's pictureMumin The Oracle

Heartache or Heartbreak What's the Difference?

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

My inner journey to healing led me to realize that there is a difference between a broken heart and heartache. My spiritual journey led me to heal my heart from grief. Heartache is a natural life experience, heartache is temporary if we allow ourselves to heal, or sometimes we outgrow it. Sometimes most can confuse heartache with heartbreak, it is understandable because they both do not feel good. Heartbreak, a broken heart is something we do to ourselves due to pure personal disappointment, whereas heartache is something we experience from losing someone or something. We may have lost someone who meant a lot to us, we may be feeling empathetic, or sad that someone is dying. Even an ending of a relationship can cause some grief, this is not heartbreak, this is grief that will subside in time as we adjust to new life changes. Heartbreak is something different, this process is connected to ego and pride. One way we experience a heartbroken heart is when someone we love was unfaithful. I then started to question my own worth, and If I am good enough. But those are all prideful emotions, I was thinking how dare she, I saw myself as special. Another prideful situation that I remember, because this person I admired so much loved me, my heart was broken later, because I needed their love to feel important. This is why I do not fall in love, instead, I be in love. To fall in love is putting someone above you, their love and acceptance of you are more important than your own self-love. So if their love for you is taken away, the self love you never had can't protect your heart from feeling broken. If we put away our self-love and replace it with someone else's love for us, this is the cause of heartbreak. A broken heart is the feeling that we are no longer being loved, somehow love died. It is also a feeling that we are unlovable. Heartbreak is more challenging to heal from, whereas heartache, we can learn to accept things then move on. People come and go, that is life. If someone is constantly abusing us this can cause heartbreak, because we are not receiving enough care so that we can develop it for ourselves. It is unfortunate that if we do not receive enough love, nurturing, and kindness at an early age, we are susceptible to experience heartbreaking experiences. Because we are still looking for external validation, needing others to like or love us FIRST to feel loved, and to feel complete, this opens a space in our heart for self rejection, this is why it rips the heart Chakra. We can only reject ourselves by not accepting ourselves as we are, no one can reject us, or make us feel rejected. Once we learn how to first love ourselves unconditionally, our hearts will never have to break, because we will love and accept ourselves completely. No one will have power over how we should feel about ourselves. No one can give us or make us happy, this is something we should already have before we get into any relationship. If any relationship ends, your joy, happiness, and self-love will come right along with you. Give your heart time to heal emotionally, because love can never be broken.

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