The Journey, Everything that has life will forever be on a journey, even after death, a new life begins. We are originally spiritual beings existing forever before trying out the human experience, this makes the journey forever ongoing, including animals and human beings. The journey is not the adventure nor the quest, these are optional.
Everyone is having a personal journey, we came here naked, and we cannot take anything back with us when we transition. Our spiritual immortal self is always moving, when we take a chance at the temporary human experience, we are still passing through until the body turns to dust, but we the original spiritual being keep moving forward.
The journey has many destinations, this is due to our past choices. The journey is pretty simple, it does not matter the kind of life you live, how much money or how poor you are, we are still on an ongoing personal journey. The journey is simply movement, your interest and engagement towards life, and your strong desire to learn gives you more experiences during your journey.
We can live a purposeless life with no meaning until death, just a paycheck to eat and sleep, yet that is still that individual's own personal journey. The homeless man is on his journey playing the role of a nonproductive person. This is why no matter what we do with the time that we have left here, we choose how to experience our journey, based on learning, expanding, researching, showing interest in new things, and paying attention to our past experiences and our behavior.
Even though we are all on a journey, many are not living their lives to their fullest potential. The educational system was designed to remove your creativity and imagination, this is the right brain. babies and younger children utilize the right and left brain, this is why they are very imaginative and can be very creative. Give a child a cardboard box, the child can play with that box for hours. We learned how to read and write starting from the left to right. This keeps many stuck in the left brain, the ego logical mind, the 10% of the brain, the conscious mind.
This is why it is a challenge for society to wake up feeling joy, ready to live each day as if it were their last, like children. If the majority were filled with creativity and a vivid imagination, the world would look different because we have more energy and, therefore more productivity. Building and creating wealth, producing more resources instead of just working for a paycheck, not adding to the world. That is a sense of adventure.
It is understandable, that many will blame work hours and children. We are still learning about ourselves and life, we learn things later so that we make choices based on where we want to be. Many will also blame that they do not have enough money to be an adventurous person. Money has nothing to do with being spontaneous, having joy, and being an adventurous person.
There are some benefits with more money and free time, but that should not stop you from doing something out of the blue. The reason why the majority are not able to just venture out is because many do not have a sense of adventure mindset. Many follow the normal laid-out plan that is already set for society, after 18 follow the plan so that you can retire at 50 or 60 years old. If the mindset was retiring at 26 was the norm, this would be a reality, it is who we are, what we know, and who we know that makes our life.
The normal left-brain mindset believes adventure and vacation are for later, work hard first. So, their lives play out that way.
Now those who see life as an adventure not just a journey has a different mindset, and a different attitude towards life, they perceive life differently. Their right brain is a lot more stimulated, so they do not live on average. They use their imagination, they see life ITSELF as a vacation and adventure, so the universe keeps sending them opportunities, ideas, people, places, and things that correspond to their thinking.
This law works on everyone, everything you have acquired in your life right now is based on what you can imagine is possible, what are you worth? Your self-value and self-worth are the golden ticket, sitting in the left brain can make humans feel mediocre, average, insignificant, and unimportant. These people with a sense of adventure in mind have less work and more time to kayak, ski, boat ride, cruise, travel, partake in various cultures, horse ride, hunt, and camp.
A mind without a sense of adventure is a mind that lacks imagination and creativity, the cause of living a mundane life.
If we do not have a sense of adventure we will not be able to be a free spirit, to enjoy more out of life. Many people will never get a chance to venture out, or enjoy some adventure in their daily lives, it is because of their state of mind. When you have a sense of adventure and a free spirit, your life will revolve around it, you will make decisions based on having more free time to live creatively.
Many minds are stuck and focused on money and survival, how to eat and sleep better than the next person. There is no adventure in just surviving, the system was designed to keep the cost of living high, to keep many busy not productive. The ones that focus on survival or getting rich will keep attracting the same scenarios, situations, and circumstances that keep them going around in circles, this is based on their belief about life. A life built on working for a paycheck on repeat and staying busy.
The free-spirited person, the adventurer sees life itself as a vacation, they are used to attracting opportunities that keep their life the way it is, more time to venture out or be spontaneous. Many assume that because they can spend money, all of a sudden, their life is full of adventure. Trying new things outside of your daily routine gives you a life of adventure.
If it is romance try to keep it on fire, this requires both partners. Such as outfits and role-playing, outdoors in your car, singing or performing a dance, the older the better, because it makes us feel younger. Knock the things off the dining room table a few times a month, that requires no money. Childlike wonder without shame, use your imagination to think outside of your comfort zone. If you need a sip of wine or a puff of cannabis, do what you must to shake things up!
It is not always about how much money you have, it is about feeling alive, using pure passion, and excitement with your imagination. Go on a picnic or a barbeque at the park, tryout a dance or yoga class, making sure that you stay out of your routine is key to living a life full of adventure. Too much technology can get in the way. If you had one day left to live, you would notice things that you never paid attention to. We have a tendency to take life for granted because we expect ourselves and our loved ones to be alive tomorrow. Adventure means, Add, more, events, into your life.
The quest, very few people get a chance to explore to find deeper meaning in their lives. This is also about personal development to experience the best version of your hidden self. The journey and adventure are external, but the ultimate quest is internal. This is when we began to Question our reasons for living the way we do.
I know that I am on a journey, and I live a life full of adventure, but what does this all mean? No one can give you that answer, the meaning of your life, because your quest is personal. Spiritual teachers, life coaches, psychics, gurus, and counselors can only guide us toward our life purpose, they offer us the best insight. Your job or career does not define you, if you ask yourself who am I, you are not your name nor your job title.
Many of us have put away our dreams, aspirations, and passions to make money, this is why many will lose the deeper meaning of their lives.
There are many cases where certain careers, work, or job is connected to a person's life purpose. You may be a natural at caregiving and work at a nursing home. Going on a quest can lead you to self-awareness or self-actualization. The question, who am I can lead you to find yourself, this is why some practice yoga and meditation, both help us become better at observing the mind and the mental chatter.
Life is full of conditioning, there is no escape, this is why as we age we behave differently. We are conditioned by our childhood, the environment, schools, and many authority figures. Positive and negative experiences can also condition us, we either benefit by learning from it or change, never being the same again. The quest is about learning from every experience and paying attention to your behavior to gain wisdom.
If we look back at when we were 7 years old or maybe a teenager, we may remember who we were before we changed, before something died inside that we may be missing. What made me change my perception of life or myself?
I remember when I was not self-conscious, I did not care about looking perfect or being perfect. When we find ourselves, we then become transparent, we accept ourselves for who we are, flaws and all. We love and accept ourselves without self-criticism and self-judgment. The more we realize who we are, our greatness starts to show. When we have a sense of self. it is easier to fully live out our purpose, we give true meaning to our lives.
Take time to reflect on past experiences that changed your point of view, or your attitude towards life. Each experience will replay and reveal scenarios that you did not fully understand, which will help you become more aware of who you are supposed to become, the secrets lie in our past. The best way to become self-aware is to quiet your mind by simply observing it.
To be the observer, the real you hidden behind your personality, the quiet you, you are not your mind and it's mental chattering. thinking and random thoughts are not the same thing, we must grab a thought and then focus on it to start thinking about it. Do this practice while socializing, you will witness many thoughts in your head, and then question why you respond or sometimes react to them.
If you pause thinking, you will notice the constant random thoughts. This way you choose which thought to respond to, instead of letting random thoughts think for you. Eventually, you may even ask where are these thoughts coming from and who is this thinking then reacting? This mental exercise can help you find yourself because you are not allowing yourself to react to just anything. You choose to now respond to your thoughts, this is being responsible for yourself, and your own actions.
Traumatic past events and self-judgment can fuel our random thoughts, the past bothers us until we let go. Being yourself is being responsible for your actions by paying attention to your thoughts and feelings.
This practice will help you see and identify your many masks, your act, the persona you use around others, your identity, which is what we use to hide character flaws around others, and your body image, meaning fancy clothes and materials, needing status to feel cool, accomplished for approval. All of these can be revealed in time as we observe our behavior, our thoughts, and our feelings about ourselves.
You may think and behave as shy or controlling, but by observing your thoughts, feelings, and triggers, you may stop reacting this way. Self-discovery comes from observing the mental chatter, so we do not react, this is self-control which leads to maturity. Learn to reflect and ask what part of me was in control. Was it my past anger, or an insecurity? We are unique and deeper than we realize.