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Happiness Vs Joy

Writer's picture: Mumin The OracleMumin The Oracle

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

It is said that we should be in the pursuit of happiness, leaving out joy. Happy feelings are emotional, whereas joy is a mental state of being. Emotions tend to change, but a stable mind does not.

We have more joy when the left and right brains are working together in balance, self-awareness, and self-knowing is the key.

The educational system was designed to separate the right brain from the left to keep many in the left brain, the 10%, the conscious mind, and the 5 senses. During early childhood, many have become reprogrammed by learning to read and write from left to right.

This is why the norm is 97%, while the rich and wealthy who are creative and imaginative are the 3%. Educational systems remove the natural way of thinking, taking away the vastness of imagination and creativity, which is the right brain. Leaving the society in the conscious mind, waiting for instructions, waiting to be told what to do, and waiting to be saved. The majority in a society pays millions to use and experience other people's imagination. Movies, comics, and even toilet paper are all a product of someone else's imagination.

It takes a healthy sense of imagination to have joy. Many only see the negative, where is your sense of imagination to change your perception of yourself and life?

Since many are not living from the heart space, many feel unimportant, insignificant, useless, average, undervalued, unworthy, unfulfilled, empty, and some kind of self-dissatisfaction. All of this occupies the mind, there is the missing Joy.

Babies and younger children do not identify themselves as the mind or the body, this also means that they are not feeling flawed like older people do, which is why they are full of joy and full of vitality. Joy comes from a free mind, detaching from the past, and being in the moment. Joy comes from self-appreciation, self-acceptance, unconditional love, valuing yourself, knowing yourself, worthiness, and knowing that you are forgiven, so that you can keep enjoying yourself.

For many who are part of society's programs, the norm dies at 18. Why no more childlike joy and innocence, we assume we are the mind, the physical body, the thoughts, and the personality. Then unnatural man-made law says 18 to 21 is an adult when science knows that the brain and body do not reach adulthood until 30. Many forget who they once were by trying to fit in, using the ego mind, the conscious mind, the left brain. Many now use a false identity hoping to feel happy by using, their status, image, clothes, and styles that they show off, because many identify themselves as the body.

Younger children would run outside naked full of joy, with no insecurities or brokenness inside, they still feel unified within, that is the heart space. Consciousness. The issue is losing joy which is like slowly closing the mind, and now many begin a pursuit of happiness, trying to awaken the heart, but for material pleasures, and their image. The mind is the body, so the mind and body get in the way. This endless cycle due to not being self-aware, can be confusing when we are not in line with what the heart really wants.

Many are chasing things outside of them, a reflection of an emptiness that is going on within. This is why many forget joy and live a life in pursuit of happiness. This is why the media EASILY sell and promote superficial images in movies, magazines, VH1, MTV, BET, and love and hip hop, and music videos. Lust, vanity, envy, jealousy, greed, self-importance, inflated ego, pride, and insecurities. Will submitting to these negative emotions to fit in the crowd give me what I want, pure everlasting joy?

No just happiness, because being happy is only temporary.

This pursuit of happiness keeps many in society chasing money, clout, and materials, just to be acknowledged, popular, and famous, the need to feel accepted by many, some even do things for riches and fortune. A paycheck is just saying that I can eat and sleep better than the next person, now I found permanent joy?

Many thinks when they have material success, they have found themselves, they have evolved, and are now completely happy and at peace. We can replace the need to feel happy with being in a state of joy, because feeling happy from EXTERNAL stimuli changes, and joy is ongoing.

Joy is a constant natural inner happy feeling that is always more present, like within children. It is the misery in man that aggravates the mind from staying present. Living in the heart gives a sense of feeling here and now, a present, calm mind. Nothing outside of you can give you a pure child-like laughter full of joy. Joy comes from a free mind detached from ego, false identity, a mask, and image such as I need to look fresh or perfect around others.

Happy feelings only come from external stimuli, after you finish the experience, whatever it was, you are no longer feeling happy, and your mood can change to glad, sad, angry, upset, irritated, somber, silly, ugly, bored gloomy, restlessness, anxiety, miserable, or dissatisfaction. We can be joyful while going through a current situation, or circumstance when it is not the way we would like it to be, there is some unhappiness.

Joy is connected to self-value, self-worth, and self-acceptance, that is having a positive healthy self-esteem. Shame blocks joy which is all mental. You are the joyfulness within.

When I was homeless many could not believe it because they would say that I was too happy, maybe I was a Buddha. I walked through many schools of thought. I worked on becoming self-aware, and how I truly feel about myself, and I also went on a spiritual journey to experience ego death. This was my way; I am not here to condone my way.

It is too bad that many rely on drugs and alcohol to feel alive, looking for that forgotten joy. But without pure joy being present to keep us feeling satisfied with ourselves after we finish the external stimuli, many may fall back into some kind of misery. There is nothing wrong with creating a life that makes us happy, yet happiness cannot be the only aim, because whatever we grow accustomed to, it becomes the norm.

This is another reason why many are still seeking happiness, a temporary emotion. Many are married yet they cheat, they are not happy with themselves, yet their marriage is fine. Do not allow your fire, your passion, or your spontaneous joy to die in your relationship. This no joy is a mental experience, so nothing material can cure it. Joy is love singing, and peace is love resting.

Self-awareness can improve your joy, because you have become aware of what is going on inside that is in the way. Many thinks getting a degree and financial success will give them joy, but it will give you happiness. But also seek joy and continue to imagine, this way you can create a life full and infinite abundance.

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