There are many ways to spread racism and violence for separation, and one of the best tools used is social media. The science behind this can be explained, many wonder why things are the way they are, do we really hate each other that much? Images and videos are used to influence society, the chaos constantly repeats on the outside because it goes into the majority's the subconscious, it replays. The combined people's mental energy, the thoughts send out a frequency, then it manifests in the world. The majority have to be mind full of what we are feeding into our mind. So many minds have thoughts of negativity that may happen to them when outside.
Meta is the word metaphysical for short, since this is a psychological and spiritual warfare, there are many ways to move society's bodies by various subliminal means.
Back then they did not have gadgets that you call cell phones to keep you glued to programs, they just made sure that every household had a television, then later the internet, more access to images and videos. Magazines were used and are still being used to confuse the mind. Now the train metro system has big touchscreen with ads, who is in control of this? The Virus spreads, because more fear more Reaction, if we give ourselves a moment to think and feel, then we will Respond, being responsible for our own actions. The left brain, the ego mind, the 10% of the brain, the conscious mind will get in the way trying to only be logical. The educational system was designed to separate the right and left brain functions, leaving the majority with no creativity and no imagination, stuck working for a paycheck. What makes things challenging for the majority, many do not know who they are, well who am I supposed to be in the midst of this ordered world? Social media, Tik Tock or YouTube are not bad, it is the user's mentality from not knowing thy self. We can use it to build better relationships, communities, businesses and especially resources. We have our own consciousness, we extend a part of ourselves when we focus on something outside, mind-body connection. When we finally learn to ride a bike, it is only because we found out that the bicycle is not separate from our body, it has become an extension of our body. Same as watching a horror movie or a violent video game, when something intense happens we emotionally react, because the mind does not know what is real, this is also why pornographic images affect our bodies because we have entered that space, mentally, spiritually and energetically.
The mind is the body, this is what evolving slowly reveals to the one on that journey, where you are living now is only a product of your mind, what you can see and imagine, the more you can have access to the right brain, your reality starts to change. This is knowing your worth.
When light travels it must bounce back for us to see it, when we engage in a virtual world, it must come back into our reality. Think of the mind as a projector when you open your eyes, if I am afraid of something, if I see others outside of me as my enemy, most likely when I see a person, I will judge and criticize them, this is why violence is rampant, even if racism is not real, we just react instead of a hug.
When the oppressors want more reactions from Society using fear as the virus, they flood social media with a bunch of video clips. But a virus can't live without a host, all we need is one angry person to share violence on Facebook and other social media platforms, the original person, meaning the unaware person, because they are angry at racism, they become a host.
They share violent clips of many kinds, but we need more hosts. The next person sees the post, reacts then Share it, this is now another virus Spreading the virus and hoping to catch Another Host in the Metaphysical world, meta verse. Now when we look out the window, more racism, and more violence.
Spreading death and violence of any kind, history then repeats.
I can guarantee that if the videos start showing humanity asking what is wrong, or how are you feeling after the person hits them, this changes the vibe that we care about each other. Many get excited when another race retaliates with violence, and many feel that it is justified, only because we are still angry as a whole, but sharing it produces more hate, not love.
So who is the enemy, or inner-me inside.
We need more videos showing people breaking up fights to speak to one another, that is why AVATAR Way Of The Water is coming out. Water is life, healing, bonding, and being in tune with your friendly emotions.
We can now stop drowning in our fears, Jaws.