Global leaders who are unevolved men in suites and ties, the unaware elect and accept will always get their way, because the unaware are always waiting to be told what to do, and waiting to be Saved. When the unaware see a person who is blasted on the media as the wealthiest person, many somehow see them as a positive, compassionate, and loving model who can represent us, an important person, someone who can change our world to make it better for us All. It is only because the average person feels insignificant, suffers from low self-value, low self-esteem and low self-worth, this is why so many allow them to be their savior, plan how your future will be and how it should look like, usually with more Technology, change on the land or Law changes. When did flashing money and wealth heal the people as a whole? The sun has enough power to charge the entire planet 10x, this means that solar panels ends the so-called energy crisis. There are many companies, factories, important buildings and facilities that do not pay for electricity, even some cities and towns yet many keep paying for it. It is all an illusion; bills mean the unaware keeps them living as billionaires.
The sun is wirelessly shining rays of data to charge everything on the planet. Electricity is regulated so this information is kept secret. The real energy crisis is humanity feeling fatigued, FDA approved bio-engineered, GMO processed foods, plus more technology making a cancerous environment, cell phones are simply small Nuclear Reactors, Radiation vs the Sun. The earth is designed to naturally recycle carbon emissions but not man-made radiation. Not to mention the scheduled chem trail jets that block the sunlight in certain cities.
To Regulate foods, they say we are running out of resources, carbon emissions, as if nature is not enough, so we have been given Lab Meat which was made long before the first McDonald's many, many, years ago. The human's DNA has been changing for the past 80 years, using code word plant based, it is not labeled organic or non-gmo.
The sun's fire and the water are 100% of the planet's natural resources, gas too, are all natural processes that never will run out, also free, the pandemic showed society this when it was left running. The planet is 89% water yet we pay for it, just like we pay for free food. We have the most advanced technology, flying to the moon, yet we have to pay so much to eat, because certain technology is not revealed til 20 years later, like lab meat and lab food, McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts, Apple Bs, all you can eat buffets and 711 nothing new.
The ones that hold back knowledge are the masters of time, keeping the majority moving in a timeline created by them for the unaware to live out. It is not possible to be fully Present if you are racing to pay an electric bill. That is an outdated system, something to do, it is not apparent if we think that technology is still behind, like cloning which is just hidden Genet stem cell research, cloned bioengineered chicken from KFC, GMO processed foods.
Since the atomic bomb, nuclear fusion and reactors are nothing new since the 40's, the mere Cell Phones in your pockets are mini nuclear reactors giving out electromagnetic radiation. Microwave ovens are Nuclear Reactors, more radiation. In movies, Tony Starks used a mini reactor and later the radiation started poisoning him, Banner's cells turned him into a Gray monster from the exposure, this was before he was changed to green to be more appealing.
The sun which is natures nuclear fusion, the earth circulates around the sun to make sure that it energizes and charges everything before it does the same process on the other side of the planet. Meaning, our physical body, animals, plants, all minerals, water, soil, oil, coal, everything on the planet. The sun is full of All energetic particles, this is why it actually charges the actual planet's matter, no matter what it is, even electric cars. And at night the moon is still reflecting the sun's light, so charging works at night too.
The Sun was always the answer because it is the original wireless technology, many go to churches to worship the first light, the Sun or Sun Day, Light, mind, Awareness, because we are all the first light or energy, ye are God, light or awareness. We are also negative, dark, feminine, consciousness. The sun or Christ was always Present in the sky, even females are the sun, or awareness. This is why many are still waiting for him to come from the sky. The earth is 89% water just like our body. We all have light, and 89% water in our bodies, walking on water, meaning not falling apart and getting emotional, emotional intelligence. So why are we paying for water? Springs are not being used as many assume. Water is supposed to be plain with nothing in it, and may naturally have minerals, so there's no need to add electrolytes or alkaline, that's a scam, paying more for water. Adding anything to water is obsolete, water hydrates and flushes out toxins from the body naturally, so Gatorade, etc are all a waste vs simple plain water. Dye make you die like cool aid. This is why some water are labeled drinking water or enhanced mineral water. The same pipe water that we flush is the same water we pay for at the grocery store, filtered or enhanced with alkaline or electrolytes, another distraction after we just paid the water bill. Water is a natural service for humanity, everything is already set up in the plumbing system, sure it is regulated like everything else. It is a public service, water, electricity, gas, and public transportation. The end of the world of illusion which was the Pandemic showed us that. Nuclear fusion based on what is given to the public is supposed to end the fake energy crisis. Taking subtle particles that are emitting from the sun, and fusing them with other atomic particles to create more energy output is not necessary, more Radiation output. The majority's cells have been compromised because of constant GMO and processed foods. Just allow the particles from the sun to give us ALL that we need, and the sun will naturally put out extra to charge anything to keep us alive. Yes, the trusty Sun loves us not the world of illusion. If the sun disappeared, everything will die because nothing is being Charged. Less power outages with solar panels. Why would we be running out of resources when the SUN is the Source of all energy? This is saying that The Creator left us dry with no source for energy. Only Sucking on oil, the planet's blood, and dinosaurs was never real, so fossil fuel is another distraction accepted by many to extend time lines. This is why there are wars, oil which is who control the energy and power of the unaware, just like religion, who controls humanity's beliefs gives Them power. Everything is energy, who can get the most attention/energy to stay in power, using celebrities too. Nuclear fusion makes a certain group of hidden people look smart, as if they have authority over your future, making them look advanced which is why they are easily trusted. So people like Bill Gates or Elon Musk or Trump can create the world they want society to live in because it makes them look and feel like God. So if you are the type of person who waits for scientific discoveries or billionaire ideas like Bill Gates to tell you how the world should be, then you are feeding your attention which is energy for them.
Constantly improving technology, AI, and genetics stem cells are literally trying to be like and feel like God. Code words such as carbon emissions and climate change fool many to not trust Nature. Cloud formation is the process of cleaning and purifying all carbon emissions, the tress, the gasses like hydrogen, nitrogen and helium, ions and radiation from the sun helps breaks carbon down. Tesla did say that one day energy will be wireless, the sun is a wireless technology that keeps the planet charged, the pyramids showed us that (Aten) the source or sun, because nothing is New under the Sun, they already knew, and that's why Circuit Boards were made after raiding the pyramids, Indiana Jones anyone? Copper was the best electrical conductor in the pyramids, now that is used for motherboards etc. The pyramids already had electrical grids, circuitry, wireless signals, air conditioning etc., plumbing systems, a fully functional capsule all First powered by the sun, yet electric bills? They call it raiding for a reason, giving no credit to the ancients ancestors. Many will do almost anything to be on top.
Believing that we are challenged because of only using 10% of our brain which is the conscious mind, the left brain, which holds back generations to live out another altered timeline. School teaches us how to read and write from the left to the right keeping society out of the right brain, spiritual creativity, and imagination, a genius when both left and right are used, this ensures no more geniuses are born in the world of illusion.
Accessing both left and right brain activity will change your life. A comedian is a genius, one person making millions of people laugh. Metaphysics is modern day Physics, Psychic Science is modern day Psychology, Alchemy is modern day Chemistry, Astrology is modern day Astronomy, and learning numbers on an advanced level was numerology. These schools of thought all came from the pyramids.
They took out the spiritual part, numerology or alchemy and gave the educational system the left brain logical part, math and chemistry. This way society stay in the left brain, no creativity or imagination, no more geniuses. Staying in the left brain makes it easier to have a controlled man-made society following orders and waiting to be told what to do.
Not agreeing to Harry Potter, but you see what happens when you teach left brain but also give right brain stimulation, keeping the child's precious imagination illuminated. That's how we truly evolve, not updating our technology and a bigger paycheck.
All Technology, Science, chemistry, plumbing, electronic circuits, radio waves, Psychological Science, advanced knowledge even Genetics were taken from the pyramids. The Bible too are stories from Egypt, such as the trinity and saying Amen which is Amun. This reminds us to create our own world, but we can't take it with us. We can create our own reality by freeing our minds from certain worlds out there. Your own world instead of waiting to be told what is real or waiting to be Saved, or history will repeat, population control.