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THC and The Right Brian Stimulation

Writer's picture: Mumin The OracleMumin The Oracle

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Many know that cannabis sativa is a natural organic plant in the herb family, it grows all over the world from nature. You can boil it as tea like any other herb and for many other uses. Many would even say as an option, this herb can be used for its health and medicinal properties. Even if it is smoked it has no health risk, unless someone is simply lazy.

What is all the hype about cannabis not being used without laws, regulations, and restrictions, what is really going on? What makes nature's natural magical herb so dangerous, who gets to make that decision when cigarettes are legal?

They changed history by using the word medicinal in conjunction with marijuana, but cannabis and all herbs have medicinal properties. I have seen old videos where men are walking around burning down cannabis plants that were growing naturally from nature, yet many are dying from alcohol every day, this is odd behavior.

Many would say because the government can not tax it, that has its truth but that is not all. This natural non man made herb must be very important if they put it into politics and added it to the list of deadly man-made drugs.

Drugs are man-made, and humans have to add and remove substances to manipulate the stimulation.

The reason why this natural herb causes so much misery to the government is because when it is consumed by eating or smoking, it stimulates the heart chakra, and the right and left brain functions. This is why many associate the word peace with smoking cannabis, many calm down and stop allowing things to stress them out, like being a free spirited child again. The heart chakra is the link to the spiritual self, where the inner child sits, where consciousness is experienced when a person is in the heart space.

Depending on how much emotional baggage you have stored in the 3 lower chakras, drinking takes you down to your ignored emotional pains, drunk, this lowers your vibration. This is When you use cannabis many use the word high, because it takes you to your higher self, above the 3 lower chakras into the heart which is consciousness.

The high is temporary because many have not yet let go of the past and the emotional baggage, to relieve themselves in their heart to be an innocent child again, free of suffering, consciousness. We can become self-aware to improve who we are and become a better person. Children stay in the Christ heart, no need to use cannabis to stay conscious. Children naturally feel that high that cannabis offers naturally, because cannabis matches the same vibration that the heart chakra vibrates on.

This is why many talk a lot, have crazy wild ideas, and become oddly creative, and intuitive, meaning knowing what to do without self-doubt, more Intune and sensitive to our real feelings, what we really want. THC allows the spiritual creative imaginative mind to heighten and temporarily play with the left brain, which is about ideas. Healing work to free ourselves from ego attachment character flaws that leads to self limiting beliefs, and the law of attraction is quicker to understand, since the ego mind is at rest.

When the right brain and left brain are actively working together, this is during early childhood toddlers, we are creative and imaginative with no limits in mind. This is why Neo in the movie The Matrix saw the children already bending their mind to bend their reality with ease. But that is a threat because of THC. We can dream of a better life and be in tune with it when we detach our mind from the limited programing.

The left brain is masculine, which is active energy pushing outwards, this is why many are ego-driven. This is how the system keeps society in a masculine-driven world. Many spend their time chasing a paycheck, trying to make it big, to win the game of life, keeping many as go-getters. This keeps society distracted and busy taking away the time to use the right brain which is feminine.

The right brain is feminine, which is passive looking inward, this gives us holistic thought connecting to our spiritual nature. When we ask ourselves who am I, who do I want to become, or what is my purpose, we have to look inwards for answers. The right brain links us to our subconscious, this way we get insight and some kind of understanding of ourselves, and what is causing the reality that we are experiencing.

Society can be in a competitive rush causing division, approval, recognition, and greed, the right brain also deals with compassion so that we work together. The system is designed to create a world without feelings. The right brain deals with visualization, if you can not see past what you are currently experiencing, then it is hard to create the world that you want, conforming to normal programming. The right brain is also about perception, this is cut down because perception is the highest sense. When our perception improves, we can see past many things to experience a greater understanding.

Babies and younger children utilize the left and right brain functions. The educational system takes that ability away so that society cannot utilize the left and right brain functions. Because the right brain deals with creation and imagination that constantly spits out new ideas, a Genius. When I was on thc, I would use my creative imagination combined with my logical mind when reading spiritually based books, bibles, chakras, chi, yoga and buddha philosophes, trying to see what it would look like since everything is energy.

I was trying to imagine what god, the spiritual body and consciousness looked like. During meditation, during yoga posses, and chi exercises I would close my eyes and think of Dragon Ball Z and Naruto characters moving energy all over the place, over time I began to feel the energies moving about in me and all around my body.

I closed my eyes and kept reminding myself that I am just energy in this physical body, I was copying what I saw in the cartoons. I learned that we have to connect spirit and physical to get the depth, to move past the surface layer. We do not know what is real, yet if we imagine things we have an internal experience then become it because of believing it first, which he opens a door way to connect to it. I saw the video The Secret, what you imagine becomes real, if you can not see it in your mind you will never experience it. I became super energetic because I thought myself this way over time.

I got bored of doing things the mundane way, call me extreme for searching for the universe within, if I ate food I would focus on the energy as nutrients for my spiritual body and mind, and ignore that it was an apple, if i drew a picture I would think of my art as coming to life to change me, especially if it was an Egyptian deity or a comic book character . When I added color I would imagine my aura was glowing in higher vibes.

If I had sex I would close my yes and imagine the universe, and energies moving around in the spiritual realms, I would imagine my chakras glowing, my chi flowing and my aura exploding in my mind, but I had to ignore lust, pleasures and sexual gratification to evolve mentally, spiritually, and energetically, when I orgasm I literally focused on my heart chakra or 3rd eye to make it explode to activate higher vibes of love. I had fun experimenting with thc, I found out that I was doing alchemy and metaphysics, ignoring the physical body and human part of me, for me getting high with no depth or purpose was too mundane.

It is easier to understand spiritual concepts when metaphysical thinking , and the right brain is still active with the left brain. The left brain is the logical mind, such as one plus one is two, there is no proof of magic or spirit, or there is no psychological or spiritual warfare going on. Everything has to make logical sense. This is the 10% of the brain, the conscious mind, the ego mind, and the 5 senses. The left brain is being logical and keeps the majority waiting for instructions from politics. This is why we learned to write and read from left to right, keeping us away from the right brain as we age.

Since the majority lacks creativity and imagination, many would not be focused on creating resources and building wealth. Many of us will get pulled into working for a paycheck, the 9 to 5, or college. A left brain with no creativity is why the majority waits for instructions from the news, this is the majority are easily open to being programmed to fit in the norm for a paycheck.

This is why becoming self-aware Left and right brain activity, is very important in society. Pride is the cause of much misery and chaos, but if a person decides to drop their guard and admit that they are wrong, that is amazing, because that is a positive influence.

The norm are those most affected by man-made education, this is why they post new technology, to make the unaware think that they are evolving. When we invest in our minds, imagination, ideas, and creativity, we can detach our minds from the world of illusion, to create our own world, so that we experience our birthright. The real technology is inside, the left and right brain in conjunction with the heart chakra.

This is why the government did what it took to ruin the positive image of the Hippie Movement, they destroyed it from the inside than out. They were behaving from their heart space, feeling free and sharing it. Because the government intervened, many also misinterpreted the movement. feeling free and sharing it, it was the symbol that was so powerful. The same with the black panther movement, they broadcasted it on the media as some cult group, then infiltrated it from the inside, and both groups of free-spirited people were mainly using cannabis.

The guns and man-made drug trade are swept under the carpet, this can be used to destroy any once-good organization, like hip hop.

The educational system is part of the world we are born into, it was not designed for us to be at our full mental capabilities. This is what Bruce Lee was trying to express, mental power, personal power, and a heart full of passion. It is an easy way to create a man-made society that just follows the norm, by keeping them in the 10% of the brain, the conscious mind, the ego mind, and the 5 senses.

This is why society is challenged to just be their best versions of themselves, instead of saying nobody is perfect or blaming it on the government. We need to find many ways to keep stimulating our right brain, but one easy way is through the power of nature's THC, which rekindles the left and right brain function, and access to your higher mind, like a child.

Children's imagination is the most powerful tool, they can play with a cardboard box for an hour. We are most powerful when we are creative and imaginative, but then to many geniuses, many will drop out of school, and society will be evolving, not waiting on a paycheck, a president, or a god to save them. Remember the movie Baby Geniuses? we are all geniuses at an early childhood, this is what Harry Potter is about, school with full brain stimulation and functions, our magical free mind to create and produce instead of being busy and distracted working for a paycheck, norm eat and sleeping better than the next man, status.

There will be more joy and more productivity, not just being busy.

This is why the cost of living goes up, this is done by design. This keeps many with money and survival on their mind instead of imagination and creativity. Right and left brain functionality, and using our heart space to hear what the heart wants is amazing for society, but bad for the system of man's laws that is already in place.

Millions are spending their hard-earned money on other people's imagination, on something simple like toilet paper. Technology, Comics, movies, music, video games, furniture, fashion, tattoos, Jordans, and haircuts, are from the imagination of others yet there are classes such as poverty, the middle class, and even the rich class, that is still the norm, a bigger paycheck to eat and sleep better than the next man. Building wealth takes more mind power because we are using our imagination to create resources that add to the world.

Too much logical thinking going on in society, the left brain. If you want to be successful in something that is not the norm, the left brain the ego mind will try to get in the way, because for us to create our world, to experience our own reality, we cannot rely on doing everything Logically.

We need our imagination.

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