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The Truth about Youth

Writer's picture: Mumin The OracleMumin The Oracle

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

Everyday is a brand new day of your life.

Societies are man-made, so to stay in line a person has to comply, this later becomes conformity. The side effect to this is lower energy, keeping many people as numb as possible. They say that you are an adult at 18 years of age, this idea has a major flaw because the spine does not fully develop and mature by age 29 or 30. This is when the body has become a mature adult, even the brain, especially if the person spent their 20s LEARNING about themselves, later maturity. This is why some who think outside of the box plan to retire by 35.

The school system did not help because it was designed to keep children learning to write and read from left to right, this way as they age they will stay using the left brain, the conscious mind, 10% of the brain, the ego mind. Younger children utilize the right and left brain functions, this is why they are joyful, creative, imaginative and full of vitality.

Finding many healthy ways to stimulate our right brain is a wonderful investment. It is said that when you are 18 you die, our youth is cut short by man-made rules and ideas, and many young people try so hard to compete, compare, trying to feel grown up, try to impress parents or siblings, and later take life seriously, the heart, the inner child closes, trying to fit in the norm. Babies and younger children are still in their heart space, no self judgement, full of joy, and life force chi from the heart.

Younger children's minds are not focused on tickling their egos, wondering what others will think of them, showing off their expensive shows to feel good for the world's acceptance. No identity to hide character flaws when around others, they play around without self judgement, a Christ heart. To fit into the world of illusion, we then separate heart from mind, and lose consciousness to accept the world, also losing self-awareness. Many no longer feel alive like the innocent inner child. For many, there goes some of that joy and enthusiasm for life, free from inhibitions, a childlike nature. Some parents are pushing pressure on their children because the system they experienced was a struggle. This can take down some of their children's inner child to imagine the world that they want to create for themselves. This way by the time they reach 30, they already know what they want in life, and possibly have started a little early, because life did not seem so serious. This is why many get old, age and old are not the same. Getting old is losing life force energy and Awareness of our potential energy, many lose the Joy then the body gets old. The ones that keep that well happiness joy regardless of life's many challenges and experiences, they age in numbers, but they keep a younger youthful look and behavior. I met someone that is now 70 years old which proved my theory right. He was practicing yoga for 40 years because he broke his back, he was still reading and studying the bible in many forms, he also was self aware because of his many life adventures, meeting highly regarded people, he was on an inner quest.

To me he was an example of a person who lived a full life, because he met many well-known important historical figures, he had so much to say about life because He lived his life traveling the world. He was too alive not just living, when i am around the norm i feel moody. When I was around him speaking, my spirit felt uplifted, he was 70. Everyone else out of the 50 men around, they where younger than him.

Holding on to stress, personal heartaches, and feeling dissatisfied, holding on to disappointments affect the DNA and the cells. When we spend our lives living for others, by the time a person is grown they may feel incomplete, moving away from the heart, this is why many relationships get boring over the years, because of just living, moving too fast going no where, not improving mind, spirit, energetic body and the emotional body to feel alive.

Creative energy is very powerful, which can be shared if the intimacy is deep, but many skip intimacy wasting creative vital energy, on too much lustful sexual gratification, dyeing. We are supposed to be and feel alive and be living our bucket list as soon as possible, why wait? We fall into a routine and many are living in a life of mediocrity. Many would tell me this is normal, meanwhile, I witnessed many living a vacation life when I was homeless. I have realized that it was just a mindset, this is why many have a picture of a vacation scenery at their job. You can reverse that picture and see it as life itself, your universe will shift to less work and more vacation time, what you believe is possible, it is all mental.

Mid life crisis is an illusion.

Everyone born has a preprogrammed clock that is supposed to stop ticking, this is the beat of the heart, everyone that dies has a number of heart beats, there are no accidental death, regardless of how they past. This is why some believe in past lives, coming back to finish a life lesson.

You can be well and in perfect health then suddenly die, it is a lie that keeping your body healthy will ensure a loner life span, all this does is keep the body from diseases from leading to premature death. The secret to extra life span is chi, life force energy that feeds vitality to the body and organs. The word child is Chi-ld, chi flowing from the heart. Chi gong can literally add to your hearts longevity, this can rage to 20 years of extra life. Tai-chi is also useful for keeping the body strong, as chi gong focused the inside, detoxifying stress then charging all of your organs with life force energy. So, you are cheating death, avoiding your already planned and set heart attack.

Life force energy is life's vital force that promotes life. Working on your chi, chakras, and the 3 dantians are hidden secret energies kept from society, you see why Bruce Lee surpassed his body, but he pushed too hard which ended his life early. That kind of force (everyday) will end the body. we must be balanced.

Basically healthy foods, vitamins minerals and just going to the gym will not increase life span, just improve your health, keeping the body from getting sick, but Chi focused breathing will. Children are Conscious, innocence, they have so much chi, their minds are fresh, not focused on fitting in or holding on to the past, Free mind more energy. They are working with the right brain and left brain, before school shuts that down. They are connected by heart and mind as One, a nonjudgmental heart, lighthearted.

The root chakra deals with vitality for the physical body, like manual labor. This is why men work out, to have more energy. The solar plexus or lunar plexus depending on your genes is mental energy, this is why some jobs can make you feel mentally drained. Spiritual practices and studying higher knowledge can give you more mental power, like Bruce Lee. There is information not shared with the majority, we are spiritual beings, bodies of energy. So to understand how the energetic body works with the physical body, some study the spine using yoga, chakras, and the three dantians. Some study kundalini shakti a sleeping creative energy, I suggest to leave kundalini alone unless you find a master. You see why Bruce had massive power output and was full of vital energy!

I remember in 1st grade, my teacher asked me what I want to BE when I grow up, NOT what can I imagine what my life would look like as an adult. School prepares us for work, not freedom.

Women are called widows, because men give most of his vitality to her, this is why men usually die first. We send in chi, there is spiritual energy surrounding the sperm cells, you see the glow under the microscope, that is so much life force energy gone. This is why some boxing coaches tell their fighter to skip sex for a few weeks. A man can practice with someone he must truly love or do this alone to send his energy up the spine instead of basic ejaculation which is death. It is all mental focus to orgasm and send it to the heart, or 3rd eye if choosen to.

Focus your mind during ejaculation, use your imagination and senses, picture light going up your spine to your heart, as if you are feeding your heart love and light. This is about intimacy and emotions, the normal way is usually his light goes as far as the sacral chakra then drops back down gone into her, that is ejaculation, sexual gratification, death.

But without the physical and sexual gratification in his mind, he can now focus on his feelings, his emotions, and the energies that is moving in and out, focusing on sucking up energy from his semen, taking up the light and spinal fluids to his heart, this way a man has an orgasm which is life giving, not ejaculation which is death.

This is why when a man looks at his photo ID at the age of 18, 25 and then 34, we can see a slight by his eyes a sleepiness as we age, all that missed vitality plus sexual partners through the years. This is why men must protect their vitality, and be creative, because the black hole takes in all energy. This is why in the world of illusion they gave humans porn to die not feel alive.

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