The reason why there is so much conflict in the world is because of the current state of the world. I remind you that the planet earth and the world are not the same things. The planet earth is ruled and moved by nature, this is why animals are not homeless, starving, poisoning each other, and trying to have power and control over other animals, they live in harmony. Animals are automatically taken care of by nature's natural laws.
Since worlds are man-made with man-made rules, laws, restrictions, and mandates to keep humans regulated, there will always be conflict, because the majority which is society allows unevolved men in suites and ties to have control over them. Humanity forgets that the majority is the power, meaning the government depends on and serves society, not the other way around.
Right now if the United States which are the people actually unite, which is what the elite fears, we can say organic foods should be half the price, no more utility bills because solar is free, and the government will comply. So many are afraid of their power to have a better fair world, this is why voting does nothing and everything just stays on repeat. So who is to blame for why things are the way they are in the world, the majority's combined minds are the battery that keeps everything on repeat, regardless of voting. That is the hidden secret that keeps the world expensive.
The pandemic is when the majority unplugged from the system to pause the illusion of reality, high rent, utility bills, laws, working long hours for low wages, and taxes. Wanting things to go back to normal meaning back to sleep, mental slavery, by making many wear masks continuously to exhaustion was their plan, to keep the system on repeat.
The illusion is having the majority think that the cost of living increasing is normal and a must, that is by design to keep many struggling. The world naturally produces organic foods a million times over, yet the majority is given factory fruits, vegetables, grains, and lab meat, the chickens are just cloned in masses using hormones, that is the kfc, popeyes, and the majority of the restaurants, unless labeled organic or non-GMO on the menu when you go out to eat. Since the FDA approves it all, cow milk, table salt, sugar, and preservatives, the unaware which is the majority just ignore and eat. The FDA is the Elite's tool to keep poisoning society with foods and a technologically made vaccine.
There are foods with warning labels that say, this was made with genetic engineering or bioengineered food ingredients, this has phenylalanine, yellow five, and blue lake, etc. Bioengineered, GMO, ingredients mean scientists take DNA from other animals and other living things to fill in a the code to make processed foods, all approved by the FDA. The meats cows, chickens, lamb, etc are full of hormones to make them grow overnight. Just because McDonald's says 100 percent beef or meat does not mean organic, they did not grow naturally nor consume their natural diet, yet since it grew into a fully grown animal it is still 100 percent animal, a trick in the word. No difference from plant-based foods, if you read the ingredients it is not organic, just processed or GMO plants.
I remember when I was a child back in the early 90's, my mother would tell me that she feared my generation because the hormones in the chicken would cause men to grow breasts. My sister became ill, they gave her so many hormones that her body became more masculine, my true story. It damaged her psychologically, she started having emotional problems. I have noticed many men who eat fast foods have lowered testosterone and gained estrogen, from soy protein in processed meats, they have more fat on their chest. This is also why older men would say they remember when teens were thin, the new generation of teens have full-grown breasts and their bodies look fully mature, this is not a new topic.
Transgenders are on the rise, this is no secret, it is not fair that humanity is criticizing, judging, ridiculing, persecuting, and condemning these people, everyone has feelings. everybody deserves compassion and unconditional love regardless if we do not like and approve of their lifestyle. We are not supposed to like everybody and everybody is not supposed to like us, but we must be kind, compassionate and love one another unconditionally.
There are many transgenders who are at risk, because they have not worked on developing compassion and unconditional love for themselves yet. This is an understandable challenge because many of them dislike the fact that they were born a male or female. This is a very difficut mental and emotional situation that many do not have to expereince, i feel for them. Without unconditional love, this will cause many to diceave other men sometimes other females to be attracted to them, this is why many get hurt or killed, because they are diceaving themselves that they were born male or female. The rush they get from a straight male thinking that they were born female is is exhilerating, because this makes them feel like they were born as a female which is self deceptive. If a transgender have a problem accepting that they were born male or female, unconditional love will help them be very ok with that, this way they will immediately tell the opposite sex right away what gender they were born removing being at risk. Self love is key, be patient and true love will be in your life.
The focus is to like and approve of ourselves, not needing others to like us, that is a sign of maturity. Love and like are not the same things, love is unconditional, allowing others to be who they are regardless of personal feelings, like is conditional because we can choose who we like, which is fine. We are told to love our neighbors because it is not possible to like everyone and it is not possible for everyone to like us.
There should not be a war on transgenders, labeling them as if they are not included with humanity. It is the Elite, the government, and humanity who choose to eat GMO, and bioengineered foods, so there is no point in pointing the finger at transgenders. If humanity hates them so much then many can make sure there is a recall on all processed foods and ban places like McDonalds, and all fast food restaurants, especially all-you-can-eat buffets because they use a lot of lab foods.
Hormones in meats change the DNA and then the cells, these foods have been out for over 80 years, so we can imagine the slow changes in the generations ahead. Milk is the cause of common colds and flu-like symptoms, so there is no common cold. This i also why many produce antibodies, then they lie and call it HIV, COVID, no it is just the mucus from milk, cheese, and heavily processed foods.
You have seen the movie Jurassic Park, using bioengineered genetic manipulation, DNA from other living things into another organic thing to produce something. The world needs healing, we need to make a change as a unit to stop allowing unevolved men to create a world that they want us to live in. There is a consequence when using hormones in our food, and eating processed foods, because we are what we eat, the cell's development is based on what we consume.