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Fame and Fortune Simplified

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Have you ever wondered why some people desire fame and fortune? So many are under the impression that fame and fortune mean that you are now successful, this means somehow you are now valuable and important, well that is another word to entertain. The issue is self-love. The ego is naturally insecure. When we have not developed genuine self-love, meaning accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now, flaws and all, some will do anything for likes, recognition, approval, acknowledgment, and external validation. This is something humanity is dealing with on a day-to-day basis. When we want our image to be approved by strangers, family, friends, or neighbors. We want to appear good, happy, successful, or important in some way. We can forgive ourselves and the bully that made us feel inadequate. If these issues of self-esteem, lack of self-value, and lack of self-worth are not resolved, what do we think will happen when we want to become successful people? Some of these industries are not in your best interest and the best interest of humanity. This is why more cameras are put on cell phones, and more photo apps, take the attention of insecure people, Tiktok etc, Selfies anyone? The desire for fame happens before a person's success, for example, wanting attention or needing to be accepted by others in general. Many lie and cheat for status in general, going against what we know is wrong for personal satisfaction. Have you ever seen a big shot, a showoff, that type of mentality can have them sell out for anything, even money. No judgment, a prostitute will sell her body for anything, even if she has to hide her guilt, ignoring her true feelings. A job, If I have a boss, I am giving up my time and especially my body for a paycheck, while I'd rather do something meaningful with my life. I understand that many ignore their highest potential. Being honest and real about your work or craft is the only way a person can experience success without changing why they are doing it. If I genuinely love acting or singing, I do it because it is my passion, and I hope to share my gifts with the world. The thought of money, being liked, loved, famous, worshiped, celebrated, or accepted by others who are successful never comes to mind, that is purely insecurities. The universe will move you exactly where you need to be for your success, as long as the person stays real about their passion. We have to be careful of these industries, not all have the intent to help you grow so that the audience grow, only how the industry grows using your light. So a person who does not love themselves unconditionally can be tempted by being GIVEN fame or fortune, but sadly they sign up not knowing the cost. Even if they look perfect in front of our eyes later, that is just a certain energy that gives them that glow, I'll leave it at that. Like a comedian or basketball player now acting in movies, originally they never were interested in being a movie star, rappers do it too. Many change or develop odd behaviors after this big success. We just don't pay attention enough to notice, because of celebrating them. When off camera with the fake smile to fool people that fame is everything, they are cursing out their wives too just like the common folk. Can my music or content raise an innocent child? Remember this is only all entertainment. Fortune is an illusion too, this means the industry will pay you or give you almost anything as long as you support their agenda. In the victim's mind, this is a success because I am finally getting paid and recognized for it. The world of illusion is real. So Fame is connected to Shame, giving fortune is for a person already feeling unfortunate, and is willing to change their image for a lot of things they never needed anyway. If fame and fortune is given, they are just a puppet or better business term an image for that industry. Image moves society per race, like racial profiles. This is why nothing changes, because of what and who we are celebrating. Why would an industry care about me looking cool like a star in a movie, knowing the feelings of being seen on TV will hype up my Ego. Since I feel empty within, the Fame will replace that Emptiness. Tricky right? Ego, identity and image is only reason why people give up their bodies for fame and fortune. The life of the rich and famous is just another distraction, a big stage play, it only works on the unaware who feel that they lack something, feel unimportant, so they dream thinking life is greener on the other side. This makes the illusion appear real, this is why they make sure that pictures are constantly taken, it is strategic so that they appear happy, glamorous, special and perfect, a higher version of Selfies.

Humanity cares and love the celebrities yet they do not care about humanity, as long as they get your attention, look at the state of the world and odd continuous man's laws. I am not saying that every single celebrity is this way, some go through more because they stay real.

When we see it for what it is, we now see that tv life of fame is just another computer generated superficial world, and being in it does not measure my worth, success, and my happiness. I know this is a complicated matter because other famous people look great as if their lives are better than the average person, so a person can easily feel tempted to join The Game. We must first look at ourselves in a better light, to celebrate our own self-worth, accepting that we are all fortunate by being grateful, by showing gratitude. We can change our self-image into a healthy one by accepting ourselves First. This way no one on any level can manipulate us, because we do not feel the need to compare ourselves to others.

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