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  • Writer's pictureMumin The Oracle

Self-aware, Conscious Mind, Unaware, Intellectuals, and The Unplugged

Updated: 6 days ago

I remember hearing this person is woke, or aware. I would also hear this person is conscious. At the time I was not sure what any of it meant. At the same time no one is higher or better, there are levels to awareness, internal or external meaning how the programed world around us works.

The unaware The unaware, these groups of people are plugged into the world of illusion, they are not self-aware not (knowing who they are), nor aware of the daily program, such as working to make money. This group of people are the majority on the planet. Some words, for example, society, the in-crowd, modern man/women, the mainstream, the sheep, or the sleep. They only live within the external world of illusion's definition of what makes a person important, what is success, what is history, like dinosaurs, what is health such as manmade vaccines, believe that they need cow's milk, and what happy life looks like. The unaware likes waiting for instructions, they like being told what to do, like wearing mask because of an unknown virus is flying around in the air, because they are always waiting to be saved by church, the government or from a president.

They function from the 10 percent of the brain, the left brain, which is the conscious mind the ego mind. This is why these groups of people focus on a paycheck to eat and sleep, then wait for politics to tell them what is real and what to do such as wearing mask during a scheduled worldly crisis. Resident Evil is real to them.

This group listens to the news and believes in political matters. Accepts history books, man-made education and laws, believes in paying utility bills and it is normal to buy food. Working for money and that money is freedom, the safest way is doing what is normal to fit into society. If the news flash warning, this man is dangerous, they usually believe it. A small percent do find success even gain material wealth, the majority are just slaves. They may never become aware of man-made viruses or the cause of real terrorism, but that is all fine. They will go to churches because it is told that it is a good thing to do. College, work, pay mortgage, and prepare for retirement. Pretty much eat and sleep, a paycheck These industries provide them with technology, music, and movies, many take it because they think that these industries care about their happiness by keeping them entertained. The majority or norm are just waiting for the next trend, running off to buy every hype that is flashed in the media as fun or cool, they get over excited about worshiping celebrities and believing that the Ozone is depleting.

When the unaware hear anything outside of the norm even religious beliefs, they say conspiracy or blasphemy. This is fine in the programed world, it keeps them there, which is balanced from the Cosmos in action. It is what it is. The sun is powerful enough to give free electricity, they will not release this info to the public, then a person who feels uncomfortable would say Conspiracy! If someone has an odd urge that is outside the norm, they will say that they have a calling, that is something much higher in control.

Intellectuals Intellectuals are only different because they speak about things that the unaware have not uncovered. I used to say now he's conscious, look at his gemstones, crystals, and ankh. They go deeper into politics, pharmaceuticals, food health, money, history, religious and spiritual matters. By attaining knowledge and improving awareness of the world around us, we can get through most of the hurdles in the world of illusion by saving time and energy.

Just because someone is an intellectual this does not make them conscious, they just have awareness of how the world works around them, some more aware than others, yet are they are still plugged in because there are layers to the illusion. Just because someone is a great intellectual like a genius, scientist, scholar, or philosopher does not mean that they are self-aware, conscious, or unplugged. Very few intellectuals are self-aware, or conscious, they are usually spiritual healers, spiritual teachers, or spiritual masters. On rare occasions, very few intellectuals are unplugged from the world of illusion too. The reason why there's so much corruption and inequality, is because of the possessed intellectuals who are working in higher places, some may call the elite. They hold knowledge from the societies, now many are struggling to get out of the illusion, they give society public schools needing 12 grades to feel smart or degrees to feel wise and accomplished. Degrees are not wisdom, just more knowledge for the left brain the conscious mind to get a bigger paycheck, to eat and sleep better than the next man. Or to work for somebody to make them richer.

Conscious mind, the pure heart. I do not MIND sharing with you for a while. As a conscious being, punishment, hell or karma no longer exist, guilt is gone which is what cause self-punishment and all of man's suffering. A religious mind believes Satan will punish you, the spiritual mind would say karma will punish you, but if you are Conscious Mind, you cannot do Anything That Brings you hell, suffering or Karma, you understand the law of cause and effect within. Because of justification, guilt is gone, therefore no more self judgement, because everything is forgiven. Your inner child's awareness, the innocence takes over.

Consciousness has nothing to do with knowledge or wisdom, being smart, or intelligence, it is simply a child's heart, this sense of innocence because there is no self judgement. When you put a group of children in race variety, no child thinks of race, because they have a Christ heart, inner unity, conscious beings. The heart is the link to the spiritual self, like children are free spirited. Just because one is conscious, this does not mean that they are unplugged, meaning that they are unaware of how the world works around them.

The king of hearts and The Queen of hearts, when we put the crown back on top of our hearts we let the heart rule over ego, many separate the crown or mind from the heart, this is the barbed wire you see around Christ's heart in the picture, it is a symbol of inner unity. The barbed wire or mind protects the heart.

The conscious are actually the 5 percent on the entire planet. Few adults, babies and younger children, the adults are called spiritual enlightened. Many hearts go to sleep to fit in the world of illusion, once you lose consciousness you are then given a Conscience, so let that be your guide.

Babies and younger children are living in the heart space, meaning they have not separated heart and mind. They are still experiencing unity, unlike older people, they do not identify themselves as the mind or the physical body. They think from the heart since they do not identify themselves as the mind or the body, this is why they do not judge themselves, and therefore do not judge strangers.

When we leave early childhood, many want to fit in the world of illusion, wanting to feel accepted. This is why the conscious on the planet is only 4% of humanity, because the majority that wants to fit into society end up separating from the heart, this is why older people eventually lose consciousness, now identifying themselves as the ego mind which is the conscious mind, their thoughts, the body, and the 5 senses. This is why the unconscious becomes self-conscious, self-judgment, worrying about looking perfect in front of the public, how others perceive me, others' opinions, criticism, and judgments of me.

This then causes hidden grief, and this is why the majority is stuck in self-judgment, needing to go to church to regain that child-like innocence again. Guilt keeps people feeling that they have sin with never feeling forgiven, hell. Self-judgment is why older people use image, clothes, and materials to feel comfortable around others, a false identity, which is used to hide character flaws to feel comfortable around others, or an act, a persona like someone acting like a rapper or a famous person to look cool, to feel accepted by others.

Babies and younger children are still feeling alive, that is why they run around full of happiness and joy, living from the heart. No envy or jealousy, no pro black because that too is separation. As we get older that pure joy full of energy decreases, always feeling empty and unsatisfied with ourselves, that is grief from separating heart and mind after early childhood, never feeling happy every day, full of joy, needing lust, vanity, and more things to feel happy. This is why the church is full, looking to feel like christ heart or christ consciousness again, like when we were younger children.

If you are conscious you are saying you still feel like an innocent baby, never have sin, guilt no longer exists, and even shame is gone. You can walk with god without feeling guilty or shame if god arrived right now. You feel completely naked, you cannot experience judging yourself, this means you cannot experience criticizing and judging anyone alive regardless of how evil they are. Feeling the creator's love for all, you just love all of the Most High's creation without judgement, accepting others as they are.

If you do not like someone you do not ridicule, persecute, or condemn them, you accept them as they are and keep your distance, because unconditional love and like are not the same. It is not possible to like everyone and it is not possible for everyone to like you, but unconditional love remains, meaning you do not look down on them for not liking you.

If you are conscious there is no fear of hell, karma, or fear of death because the ego has died, all that remains is feeling and knowing you are a spiritual being trapped in the dust of a doll body, I am no longer here, just borrowing this body until it turns to dust. I know when my body dies, I will still be aware and looking around, nothing will go black.

Just like when you fall asleep and dream, the same thing, the body is dead yet you are aware and moving about, so death is an illusion, we are all simply consciousness, with a spiritual body, and a mind, then we choose to enter a human body for a temporary human experience. Who do you think is the cameraman watching your spiritual body moving about as you dream? That is you, the observer behind your personality and thoughts, Consciousness, eyes always open without a body.

If you're conscious this means if you walk out of your expensive car, you never have a thought of who sees you, if you walk in nice clothes you don't notice it, if you have a girl around your arm you don't notice the world around you, if you have muscles and walk outside, you don't notice the muscles, you don't need anyone to look, you do not need any approval or external validation. Babies and younger children don't need Jordans, muscles, expensive things, and status to feel good, we just naturally feel fine just being just because.

Nothing here or material defines you if you are conscious, just that calm inner peace innocent child's feelings, even sexual desires are no longer available depending on your spiritual path. Yet I do not mind a close intimate relationship with someone who is spiritually aware and self-aware, making love nothing to do with sexual gratification. The mind is quiet with not much chatter. Life feels like a dream, trees and flowers are brighter colored, food tastes better, bliss and a dreamy state of being, meaning the land of milk and honey. Heavenly feelings of calm and peace as if nothing is ever wrong. I died and my vessel is just for the divine spirit.

Certain music videos, pornography, the media, violence in movies and video games, drugs and alcohol were put into the world to take away your innocence, even tricky words like adult entertainment or adult content is man made to ruin your soul. My mother would not allow me to watch rap videos.

Image, meaning clothes and status, living for an appearance because of feeling imperfect or flawed, an identity to hide personality flaws, inflated ego such as pride, none of this exists in a conscious mind, just humbleness. Just because someone experiences ego death does not mean they are aware of the world of illusion. I was raised to stay aware of the world of illusion, my mother made sure I didn't watch movies, music videos, hip hop, and too much television, I was told to be myself and never try to be accepted by the outside world. No porn, smoking or alcohol, and no sex. I ate organic foods.

Like the story Jhonna in the Wale, I stayed close to the darkness and ignored the oppressor's programming lights. I was not allowed to be programmed so that I could mature mentally, spiritually, emotionally, energetically, and physically. The superficial world of illusion is made to have people stay in the human state, and the 5 senses, eat and sleep, nothing more.

The body and mind get in the way, let the body die like Christ on the cross, what remains is consciousness and the holy spirit. We can still become self-aware, learning more about who we are, yet the heart is pure, some would say wow you are so normal, that comes with a kind of innocence.

You just began to see that the silence and the darkness IS you, before the (made you) image or the false identity to hide character flaws. The you who you think you are, and how you want others to perceive you, is not the real you at all. We are Nothingness, Consciousness, until we take a Form as a human or other beings.

The unplugged

This group ignores man-made viruses such as COVID, AIDS, HIV, and the flu, they ignore politics and know utility bills and taxes are just a program to keep control an order. Because if society is attacked by man-made viruses using germ warfare, the governemnt will use that oportunity to say they have a cure, it is always a technology called vaccines, this way society keep thinking the same governemnt they hate can be trusted, and the system and governemnt cares about keeping the unaware safe. This keeps the unaware's attention from going against the system in place, and keep the unaware relying on the government and politics. They watch the news and ignore the tricks and illusions. Being unplugged does not mean a person is conscious or self-aware, but they can be which is rare, they are not part of the man-made world and system. They know school is just part of the program, they are aware that the system is set for humans to just follow, history is altered, and everything given is to keep humans regulated and limited mentally, and spiritually, they know that politics is used to run the people in the world and solar panels end electric bills, and solar power cars out last EV's.

They know global warming and climate change is another program so that the elite can keep creating a world for society to live in. They know that dinosaurs were never real, that is to make the human timeline appear longer yet the pyramids were around longer with no records of them, and that religion is manmade to limit humanity's spiritual evolution. They watch society follow along waiting for instructions from the government. They are aware that the system in place is designed to control humans and how they should live, most would say conspiracy when a person is living outside of the system.

Trying to explain what it is to be unplugged is difficult because many say the norm is reality, and nothing else outside of the program exists, you have to experience being unplugged yourself. There is no 9 to five, that is because the society's minds as a whole agrees to it, so it is real until the masses unplugg to create a new world. There is no such thing as an increasingly high cost of living, society's minds combined as a whole is the battery that makes it real, that is why the system stays the same, even though many say Happy New Year, voting is within the world of illusion, so even the president is just a puppet for the elite who hides in the background, having a president keeps many thinking the system is real, needed and is normal. The elite uses the FDA, IRS, CIA, CDC, politics, the treasury, the federal reserves, the Pentagon, and racism as tools to keep everything in order.


Have you ever asked yourself, who am I? I once asked myself these annoying and awkward questions. This was the beginning of my spiritual journey looking inward. This called a quest because we are questioning who we are, and what is the meaning of the life we have lived so far. The more we understand who we are, we later get a better understanding of our past decisions, and a deeper meaning of our past experiences that had an impact on our personality, and our behavior patterns.

Many people are on autopilot, this is the automated or normal person, moving in a robotic state, this is called the norm in society. Many assume that they are being their true authentic selves, being transparent when communicating with others. When a person is not self-aware, this can cause confusion and conflict with others, who is in control? A person can have a personal problem with themselves and think the other person is the cause of the problem, causing conflict, by criticizing, and judging, drawing the wrong conclusion. This is why knowing thy self is higher knowledge.

Everyone is being conditioned which began early in life, a baby yearned to walk because of what he saw. Everyday life and our past experiences make us who we are now. This is how we develop a personality, a false identity to hide character flaws around others, our mask around others, an act or persona to be accepted as cool by others for approval and external validation, and certain behavior patterns. After early childhood to fit in, we let go of our innocence to step into ego mind, the conscious mind.

When we experience trauma or do not accept ourselves, we use an identity to mask our feelings to avoid our character flaws. When we are ashamed, we put on a mask so others cannot see us as we are. When we want to impress others we may use an act, if I do not feel smart, I would use a book-smart persona. If I do not truly feel attractive, I would act and walk like a rapper or someone famous, and some use their expensive clothes, car, or money, all the superficial flash, a false image to impress others.

When we are not comfortable with our bodies, many use an image, material, and flashes, such as fake eyelashes, tattoos, Jordans, fake hair, body surgery, muscles, and living for appearance. No peace in the mind, because identity and image, ego need approval and external validation. This is all due to self-judgment.

When we do not accept our physical and character flaws, we use a false identity to ease the pain, but then we become insecure, envy or jealous, around someone who really loves, admires and accept themselves, a good self-esteem. This is why self-awareness helps us to fully accept ourselves, flaws and all, others can love us unconditionally just like we can. Many only choose to like themselves when they have good features, expensive materials, popularity, money, and status. When I was homeless many can tell that I loved and accepted myself, and that I have no problems with myself. This is what I was trying to attain on my journey of who am I, I know who I am and nothing external can define me.

The reason why many are not self-aware is because they do not reflect on their choices, actions and behavior, who or what was in control, shame, regret, guilt, grief, anger, envy, false pride, jelousy from past experiences? We must look inwards and observer our past traumatic experiences, which influences the mental chatter, the constant random thoughts. The mind is always in constant chatter, we must pause thinking and become the observer of the mental chatter. You are not your mind, body, and the constant thoughts flowing in the mind. Realizing this, you will notice that you are the quiet in the background, before grabbing a thought to think about it. Thoughts going by and thinking which is grabbing a thought to focus on are not the same.

To become self-aware be the observer of the mental chatter, especially in social gatherings. You can now choose which thoughts to act upon, this is being responsible for yourself because you are not automatically reacting to random thoughts, you are now responding, which is self-control. You may be a controlling person and think that you are just being yourself. When you observe your thought before acting out, you will catch that part of you and ignore it. Eventually you will automatically stop reacting to those thoughts and stop being controlling. You will then see what past experienced caused you to behave that way.

You may find yourself showing off and talking a lot around others, but you may really be a quiet person. Observing your thoughts will allow you to see why you feel insecure, why you need so much attention, why you need people to recognize or acknowledge you, because you may not feel cool, eventfully you will see what caused those thoughts to form from a past experience. Random thoughts arise from pain and disappointments, then we act a certain way without being aware of why.

Maybe our parents did not give us enough love, attention and affection. The habit of needing others to validate your being will end. By meditating, observing the constant mental chatter, you will be able to see your mask, false identity, and body image to feel comfortable in your skin. The need to appear like a good person, or perfect in the crowds eyes will get boring and fade, that is inner growth. You can become a better mature version of yourself, less relationship problems, because you now have a better relationship with who you are.

Being the observer of your mental chatter will eventually reveal who you are, learn to accept it which is your own coolness. Babies and younger children are still connected to their heart space, the heart is the link to our spiritual self. As we get older, we make a mistake by trying to fit in the superficial world around us, we must kill our innocence which is too bad, this is why may go to church to reconnect with the heart, living in the heart is consciousness. This is why you see christ and the heart, king of hearts. Many separate heart and mind, this later cause self-judgment, a hidden grief is why many are stuck in guilt, going to church because we cannot forgive ourselves. Trying to fit in caused grief, not loving ourselves unconditionally, causing self-judgment.

Babies and younger children do not identify themselves as the mind or the body. They cannot judge themselves; this is why they trust strangers because they do not judge, purity. Because they do not identify themselves as the mind or the body, they do not need a mask, a false identity around others to hide character flaws, and they do not need image, walking around in nice shoes to impress, they are happy and full of joy with who they are.

They do not use the ego mind like older people do. They do not need a sexy woman wrapped around their arms for approval or validation. They would run outside naked with no shame, we must learn to be naked to show our true authentic selves, being transparent.

They do not need vanity or an inflated ego to prove anything. You ever see a person with nice features act cocky or conceited? Or a person who have status act high on a horse separating themselves from others, younger children to do have shame, they do not judge themselves because they are comfortable with themselves.

Many starts and celebrities act this way on tv, its only because people with low self-image and low self-esteem give them attention, that is why they look happy, society's approval and validation, it is not real. Most celebrities are not conscious or even self-aware, just superficial robotic people responding to society who feel insignificant and not important.

The most attractive person re usually the most insecure, or self-conscious. Toom many people treat them a certain way because of their physical appearance, so they do not get a chance to developed character inside, maturing on the inside. So, players use them by treating them like they are unattractive. She is unaware that she is only living for appearance, needing their approval and external validation that she is pretty, so she is only hanging on to this abusive person hoping that person will make her feel attractive, only because she Thinks she is attractive, not really Feeling attractive.

If she stops needing his approval, realizing and accepting that she is attractive inside, she will Feel attractive and no longer needing that type of man. She will change and rather be accepted for the beauty inside, developing her character. Who we are in the inside has more value than our external body, we are not our body.

The same goes with a man who uses flash, money, expensive cars, clothes and materials to impress women. He has not developed character, so he is not truly interesting. He would only attract gold diggers because they too are shallow like him. Once she meets another man with more flash even in bed she will leave him, neither of them is self-aware, they are not aware of who is in control of their behavior that is causing that kind of lifestyle. Many have no idea why they are having relationship problems, because of the acting and months later people show themselves. Observing their thoughts will allow them to witness their superficial behavior.

We must ask ourselves who is this thinking, where are those type of thoughts coming from? BET, MTV and VH1 reality shows like love and hip hop etc. Look at the way they behave, both men and women are using ego mind, lust, vanity, flash, status and especially image to communicate with one another.

This is why they fuss and fight, all someone has to do is attack their ego, expose someone's fake identity, disrespect their fake image they use to fit in, then chaos breaks out, because everyone is superficial not being their true authentic selves, needing their status to be accepted and approved with one another. No one is observing their thoughts, their out-of-control ego, their identities and mask, acting like a rapper. Using butt surgery, fake eyelashes, extra make up, tattoos, fancy clothes and shoes, haircuts and fake hair, being fake.

They do not know who they are and who to be. Hip hop shows music videos flashing body parts, money, women, expensive cars and alcohol as if that means success, maturity, intelligence and happiness to fool the youth who are seeking an identity to be accepted by the world. It is a program-to-program society.

Celebrities are not self-aware, they are using alcohol to mask their insecurity on those shows, they are still dealing with the miserable ego, their false identity to mask their character flaws, and the tired played out image. The celebrities that society worship need alcohol because they are not comfortable with themselves, knowing yourself creates self-comfort and confidence, not needing a drink to talk to a female.

You cannot birth a Malcom x or martin Luther from music videos. These shows are meant to keep society out of the heart, as we go under the heart that is where the sexual organs are, so many get stuck in vanity, lust, sex, alcohol and materialism, this is not the best way to mature in self-awareness. This is by design in the oppressor's world of illusion. This keeps many unaware of self, and their spiritual being. The Oppressors are hard at works using and selling images, because image is very important in grooming a society, using rappers (image) like Cardi B, Niki Menage, Lil Uzi and Kodak Black to name a few, to keep the hoods and ghettos looking the same, more gun violence, jail, prison and relationship problems. This affects everyone in society not just once race.

You will never be able to appease or live up to the oppressor's world of illusion. Many will have to keep selling their soul, ignoring their heart and spiritual self to fit in to feel successful and important, for status. To feel insignificant, unimportant, with low self-value, low self-worth and low self-esteem, going on YouTube and tick tock just for attention.

Too many are trying to live for the body doing anything for fame and fortune, just to feel accepted. Knowing who you are, and finding out what makes you unique is the only importance, becoming aware of what makes you valuable to the world. Being your best self is valuable which will show you your worth, then we can heal the world. Personality flaws and be released by observing your mental chatter, letting go of certain behavior patterns can bring out the best in us, so that we can have a positive impact in the world.

A person can become self-aware, and still be blind or unaware of the world of illusion, but at least they know who they are.

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