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Ahead of Your Time, No Such Thing

Writer's picture: Mumin The OracleMumin The Oracle

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

Is there such a thing as being ahead of your time? Because time is an illusion, there is no past or future just the present moment. We can not rewind or fast-forward time. We measure something using the word time based on the clock and the rotation of the planet around the sun, even though no one knows what time we are really in, life is ongoing because energy is always in constant motion, which causes change.

Change is another action that we use to measure what we call time. In order to be ahead of time, this means that we must move our body past the rate of the clock and past the rate of the earth's rotation around the sun, meaning to slow down time, and then slow down our movement to match back to the present moment, based on the clock and the earth's rotation around the sun, this is not possible.

My point of view of true time is within each individual's own heart because when the heart stops your time is over. Everyone has their own personal time, what we do between our hearts beating and when it stops is our personal timeline. This is why some would say do not waste your time, because our lifeline is limited. This is why time is a different feel or experience for everyone, a child, teen, or an adult may experience time differently, five years may feel long to one person, and an hour may feel like 10 minutes to another, it is an illusion. Many of us do not know who we are and what is our life purpose, what should I be doing that is productive so that I become the greatest version of myself?

I only have one life to live with the amount of time my heartbeat has. When we become intimate with ourselves, an inner quest meaning to question our existence, we can learn more about who we are so that we fulfill our life's purpose. Learning more about ourselves and who we are, especially becoming more self-aware, we are then able to be in tune with our heart's true desires, this way we are now on time because we are being who we are supposed to be rather than conforming to the world of illusion's rules and idea of what makes us important and a successful individual.

The issue is that the illusionary world outside of us or all around us is man-made, we are born into a system that is already designed and set up for us. If we do not know who we are and what we should be doing, most naturally go with the program that is already set up for humanity. The world outside of us is automatically set up only based on survival, to keep you busy and distracted, not to focus on our heart's purpose. The high cost of living increases by design, it is the system many vote for, on repeat.

This is why many get in line, agree, and conform to the programmed world, the sad thing is this forces humanity to get into survival mode which is really just an illusion, a masculine-driven world to hustle to get a paycheck, this then means that you are somehow important because you are considered successful for surviving their game of life, by gaining materials and status.

This is not human evolution, this is just a paycheck to eat and sleep better than the next man, competitiveness. This is why many in society still feel empty, because they stepped out of nature which is their own heart's time to focus on man-made time, survival, and a paycheck. The planet earth and the world are not the same, worlds are created by unevolved men in suites and ties to keep humanity in line and in order, but this also comes with a fake time. man-made time is all manipulation, the people who are elected to create the world for society to live in put the majority out of their heart's true desire.

When you add technology, man-made history, changing organic foods to GMO and processed foods, creating an educational system with what they want society to learn, reducing natural musical instruments using computers, and constantly changing the natural order of things to make things modern, this alters time. Every new generation will forget and never notice these hidden changes thinking things are normal. This is why older people who are weeded out over time would say remember how things used to be like this or that, that is by design.

When we look back in history at the many changes done by unevolved men who want to control by creating a world for new generations that does not benefit society, it is very strange. Yes, change is natural and constant but it is manipulated, this means humans will have a hard time evolving to their highest potential because as time goes on, natural things become soulless, but the new age adapts to it and goes on without questioning.

Things were much different back then, now the majority of faces are now stuck on their cell phones, this altered time and human evolution because the new generation submitted, depend, and rely on technology, so now technology and AI are evolving while humanity is mentally, spiritually, and emotionally degrading, staying normal, paycheck eat and sleep.

Texting removed love and intimacy. Back then we had more geniuses, that is because things were more natural, even learning, many inventors were using their right and left brain. The new educational system secretly changed so that we learn a certain way that keeps many in the left brain, the 10 percent of the brain, the ego-conscious mind, that part of the brain is only useful for waiting for instructions, voting, relying on the same outdated system and the government, easier to have a controlled society.

The right brain is for spiritual thought, imagination, creation, and creativity, not just logic like the left brain. This was done to reduce the chance of a genius being born, a person who invents, and creates resources, it adds to the world, a wealth mindset, not just working for a paycheck. All of a sudden when a person in the modern day uses both right and left brain functions and starts to follow their heart, their real authentic time within, so that they live their purpose, they are considered being ahead of their time, no they are living their birthright, ignoring society's program, thinking outside of the box, not being a follower like trends and distractions from the media.

Most millionaires never finished high school, that is a program that takes you out of your own inner genius, your creativity, and your own imagination. The norm, general, or average person spends millions on other people's imagination, such as movies, books, comics, tools, recipes, technology, clothes, shoes, art, and music. Everyone has unlimited potential, the mind is vast and we cannot experience or have anything in this world if we can not imagine it first from the right brain.

The video The Secret stimulates the right brain, the law of vibration, you attract what your vibes are pushing out, and energy always comes back in, that is physics. There are mental and spiritual exercises we can do to stimulate the right brain and get in touch with our subconscious mind so that we surpass ourselves. I had to sacrifice a lot just to become my greatest version so that I could write this to share with the world. I once sat there and felt normal, insignificant, mediocre, and useless, I was shy and withdrawn from the world with no self-confidence, and I was not a confident person. I watched the video The Secret when I was high on THC in 2011, which also stimulates the right brain, this is why weed is illegal.

I decided to challenge myself and break free from the normal program for a paycheck, fame, and fortune. I had to push my mental potential as Bruce Lee said mind over matter, bend your mind to bend your reality, turn water into wine. The universe can only give us who we are meaning how we truly feel about ourselves deep within, not who we THINK we are. Working on self-realization and improving ourselves on the inside will eventually shine past the normal, this is why poverty and mediocrity exist, many are not challenging their minds to their fullest potential.

We must accept that we are not flawed and lacking first and that the genius is no different than I, just work on improving on your natural gifts, natural abilities, and talents. We must appreciate and value what makes us unique to go past our limited perception of ourselves based on the designed world, and knowing our worth. Toddlers utilize their right and left brain functions, but the educational system was designed to keep us in the left brain and make us think that getting A's and SAT scores means that we are mentally evolved, no that is left brain adding more data or knowledge to work for someone.

Trying to fit in to feel accepted by other programmed people who also feel insignificant is saying that I want to degrade, taking in everything from the world of illusion instead of going within my own being to dig for gold. we must mine our own minds, to mind our business instead of trying to be noticed to feel important.

Your time is now.

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